Thursday, August 27, 2009


Signs I know that I am fitting in...
1. I'm clumsy again. (already told you that)
2. People take my option to heart. (Yesterday I was joking with Orng (which actually sounds like Aung) about how his HiFive photo looks doesn't look like him and he looks older now and so when he thought I wasn't looking he changed the photo.. lol when I started laughing he looked so sheepish and then when I was saying to Sopha how I can't tell from his signature that it is his name, he quickly added a S. I need to watch what I say. :)
3. I cross the street when it is still packed with motos and don't think twice. Have you ever played the game frogger? It's kinda like that. lol
4. I have lunch buddies, that expect me to eat with them everyday... by the way I am learning to pack extra for lunch, it is expected that everyone shares and tries each others food. Everyone brings rice and a topping and all the toppings are shared.
5. I'm going to the market with some TA's tomorrow :D
6. I have a phone! :D Now I truly belong. lol After Whitaker got left behind and there was mass chaos I decided that was not going to happen to me. Plus I got tired waiting for people to go to the market with me. So now I can go out and if I need help, I can call. Last night I went out to buy one, and we ran into Moses who was shopping for a new phone, and he wanted to sell his. So I got his for $10. Normally to buy used it costs at least $20. Yeah! I haven't figured out my phone number yet. But I do have minutes. You can buy $1, $2, $3, $5, or $10 cards. I started out with 2 dollars and it is 5 cents per min. to anyone.
7. The banana ladies at the market know me.
8. So does this random guy at Psa Ma Ang who can speak some English and whenever I'm there he helps me buy stuff cause I still always get confused with the numbers.
9. I know the cost of moto to go most places in town and feel more comfortable riding sidesaddle now then the boy way.
10. I like unripe mango's.

Haha... by the way I am discovering that I like Indian drama. Who knew?!

One thing though that I miss from home is English. Don't take forgranted that you can talk to anyone and they will understand. It gets old when all your friends are laughing at a joke and I just stare trying to figure out what they are saying. Mostly they are good at translating though.

Have a good night!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your blogs!!!!!!!!!!! I love them. I can picture you in my mind doing the things you talk about.
