Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It's been awhile, and I know the last one was a little on the lame side, so I will fill you in on somethings that have happened since Saturday.

On Sunday Whitaker and I needed to go to the market to get some stuff. I needed kitchen supplies and food and he needed cloths. Kitchen supplies can be bought anywhere, but clothes are a little harder to find, but we heard that the Russian Market would be a good place to go. Somewhere in communication, Russian Market turned into Psa Oressey, so we ended up going to that one instead. It worked out though, cause there was this little old lady who took care of us and found the perfect pants for Whitaker and even let him try them on! Such a novelty. :D On the way back we had to get sugar cane juice. I said it would be my weakness. The lady laughed when we ordered two right off the bat for each. It was a very hot day. lol

Then yesterday again more working on lesson plans and stuff. I feel like I have tons to do, and yet I don't know what. I'm missing something. Afterwords we took motos to the International Bookstore (IBC) to see what school supplies they have. BJ and I took a moto and Whitaker rode his bike. We arrived 2 minutes before Whitaker. That should give you an understanding of how slow traffic is. On the way back Whitaker kept up to us, until his bike went flat. We left him at a bike shop and went back to the mission to play cricket with Samariah. After awhile when Whitaker was not coming, BJ and I got a little nervous. BJ left to see if he went to the school and then ended up going searching for Whitaker with Faye in her car. It turned out that it took an hour to get Whitaker's bike fixed and it just wasn't one hole in the tire. There were three. Everyone ended up safe and sound. Just a little wet, since it started to pour.

I made Chappatties yesterday all by myself. I'm proud of that accomplishment. I think I am going to have some tonight as well. So far a lot of what I have been eating when I cook for myself is rice, stir fry, beans, chappatties, and bananas. Yesterday I ate 5 bananas and today so far I have at least eaten that. They are so easy to munch on. There are worse things to snack on.... The staple food for the Khmer is fish. Every lunch the girls I eat with have dried fish and rice. I'm all for fish, but dried...I don't know.... :/

Right now my air conditioner is getting fixed. Last night I kept on waking up to annoying pounding noises and thought it was just the air conditioner causing the blinds to move. Turns out it was dripping water, so I had a wet couch and a puddle on the floor in the morning. It is amazing how quickly things can get done.

I've got one kid excited for class. One boy I met when I first got here was not too excited about drama class and yesterday when I talked to him he told me "Teacher Amy, I decided I am going to like drama" haha... enthusiasim really catches on. Little does he know that I have no clue what I am doing. :D

Let me know if you have any questions. I know that I may take somethings that I know for granted and you may want to know more about it. :D

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