Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie!

So lots have happened, but yet not a lot and I am wiped out today.

Yesterday was church then potluck. After potluck I went home and napped but then Samariah came up saying that she is bored and so her family and I packed stuff for a picnic and drove off in search of a dry spot. We did not find any :D so we stoped the van and had worship in the van and had popcorn. All was not lost as when we got back we still had chai tea and some fitter type things. Yum.

Game night occured as usual at Tim and Fayes, however when I walked back I realized I left my keys in my apartment and all doors up to my apartment were locked, so I ended up sleeping at Tim and Fayes House. I love them. They are the sweetest couple in the universe.

Then today, I spent the first half of the day cleaning, and then Whitaker and I went to the market. It was the first time we hired a moto and there were three of us on the moto, I was sitting sidesattle. Yes it is doable. :D We wanted to go to the Russian Market which is the English name, but ended up being taken to Psa Oressey, which turned out to be better cause we found what we needed. It is really hard to find clothes for a tall guy, when most people in the country are short.\

We came back and I made dinner for BJ and Whitaker and then we played phase 10. Because I was ahead the first few rounds, I got ganged up on with the skips. I dislike skips :D lol, it worked for them though cause I ended up losing.

Well its off to bed. There is more I could write, but i'm falling asleep.


  1. How did you get in your apartment?

  2. My door only locks with a key. So at night when I am in my apartment I lock it with my key from inside and it is like a dead bold. Fire hazard, I would have so much difficulties getting out if there was a fire at night. In the morning a lot of times I forget it is locked and try to walk through only to fail. :D But anyways, I don't lock my door when I am at the mission so I just opened my door. It was the two doors to my door that was locked :D
