Monday, September 28, 2009

Cheaters! I

I had my first cheaters that I caught and I was so disappointed cause they are such good kids. I was so upset at them. It was a unit exam for Algebra II and at the end of the period I wrote down the reading they had to do for the next class period. I saw Sear writing stuff down (he had finished the test. Side note about sear, he is brilliant. He taught himself calc for the fun of it and corrects my mistakes) But I thought it was funny how after lifting it up some he scribbled it out and put the paper away. I asked to see the paper, and of course he was writing answers and showing Thida behind him. Now Thida is a big sweet heart and one of the first students I became friends with, so that hurt when I caught her cheating. After class when I talked to them Sear laughted and Thida cried. What a differnce. Sear laughs at everything. THere's a group of them. Sear, Rattanak, and Chyhak. They are inseperatble and if I left them alone I think they would just laugh 24/7. It's hard to get upset at them cause they just laugh. And Chyhak has the squinty eyes ever so when he laughs his face scrunches up and it is the cutest thing ever. Oh well, I am a very strict teacher and the kids know it. Would have never guessed that I would be that way. I thought I was going to be a push over.

Saturday we went with Sharon and Gary to visit a church in another province. It was really neat. That sounds lame but I don't know how to discribe it. It was out in a small village and the first church we went to was in a home. We walked in and the lay pastors wife gave us a coconut to drink out of during church. Awkward... The four of us did special music singing "I'll fly away" and we did it in four part harmony. I just sang the melody :D I don't quite have the talent to harmonize yet.
The second church we went to was farther out in the country and it was in a building on stilts. When I walked on the flour I thought I was going to fall through cause it was just thin bamboo with cracks, but aparantly that house has been standing for 10 years. Gary gave the sermon at both churches and Sharon translated for us. Gary speaks fluently and Sharon can understand fluently and tries to speak fluently but her accent is so strong no one can understand her. I was so wiped from the week that every time I sat down I was nodding off. It was terrible during church. For lunch we had a picnic and it was beautiful. Wham sandwhiches with potato salad, beans, and potatoe chips. Just like home. :D Anouther cool thing about this trip was that we had to ride the ferry accross the mekong to get to the village.

Sunday of course we worked. Grades were suppose to be intoday for mid terms. Ha! I'll hopefully get them done tomorrow. By the way I am now offically teaching 10th grade Algebra I because Vannak officially resigned and is no longer working :( lame. Wish he would have stayed. I like the 10th grade class, so we should have fun anyways.

This upcoming Sabbath we are going to a church on a boat so that should be interesting.

Also tomorrow is open house so there will be lots to update you on in a bit.

Thanks for all your prayers! I appreciate it! Sometimes I think that is what pulls me thorugh the long days so please continue.



  1. Praying for you every day! Boy do I miss you! Glad that you are enjoying what you are doing though. So proud of you.

  2. Will keep praying for you!

    I'm sorry about the cheaters. I caught some last year but Dr. Bailey had to talk to them, I didn't. That sounds hard. Church on a boat sounds like lots of fun though!

  3. cheating is biggest problem i have to deal with. i know how frustrating it is! you can be so close to some of the students and then they can cheat and lie right to your face about it. it's just shocking. i have realized that americans hold honesty in an incredibly high regard (as i think everyone should!) i check their desks, hands, and arms before tests, don't let them turn the test over to begin until i say they can, and then watch them like a hawk. it stinks. :( keep on keeping on. love you! you're doing a great job.
