Tuesday, September 15, 2009


so i'll go by day again...

Friday: We had school in the morning and then in the afternoon Kristie and I had a wall of postit notes of things that we had to do. Not one postit note got crossed off at the end of the day. We ended up going to Orngs house with BJ and then it stormed so we stayed longer than planned and then we ended up eating over. His mom made us rice and some kind of fish dish. It was good :D Then at 4 I had an appointment to practice piano for church. When I got there I found out only one of the songs had sheet music to it, and everything else just had chord written in for like the guitar. You would think that during all those years of piano lesson, I would have learned my chords... NOT! so I was quickly taught them so I could play on Sabbath... I wanted to cray cause I was so terrible and we had to keep on playing the songs over and over and over again. Specially the Khmer song.

Sabbath: I lead out for Sabbath school in the morning. I like leading out for the kids. They ask more questions and participate a lot more thant the adults. You wouldn't think that now, would you. It is also fun to see students in another setting besides school. In school I have to be teacher, in church I can be friend. It makes a difference, I am closer to the kids that go to church and I need to remember to reach out to those who do not go to church.

Playing the piano was not too terrible. I worked out the chord and was able to play them. It was just nothing fancy. Watch out! by the end of this year I will be all over that keyboard and I will be a pro and those Khmer songs all in minor keys. :D

Augusta and Lim invited us over for Sabbath Dinner. It was yummy and after wards Lim showed us a map of Cambodia and pointed out all the places we should go. Because of that we are now going to Angkor Wat this weekend! yeah! please look up Angkor wat! Amazing place!

Sunday: We worked hard int he morning on school, but then at 4:00 BJ, Whitaker, Kristy, Orng and I all headed out to show Kristy the town. We drove past Phnom Wat, the palace, and the river front, since she has not seen any of it. Then we ate noodles at a Khmer place and it was truley Khmer because there was napkins all over the ground. When Khmers are done with garbage they toss it on the ground at a restuarant. Whitaker was having way too much fun with it. I wouldn't be surprised if on his kitchen floor at home there are some napkins on the ground. Next we went and visited Orngs sister and then his uncle cause he is one of the best painters in town. He use to be the art professor at the university here, but now just does private lessons. We then went to the night market and hung out. :D

Monday: School, work, oh... but now I have a student helper!!! yeah! he takes a load off my shoulders. His name is mesa and he is in 7th grade. He is so good! he graded Algebra II yesterday and I was worried it was too difficult for him to do, but he has a good brain his shoulders. I am glad I got him. I origionally met him cause he is the one who opens the doors to the chapel when I practice the piano. Poor soul, he has heard me practice.

Tuesday (Today!): School... but after school I played volleyball! It was a lot of fun. At first we weren't sure if we (kristy and I) could play because there are never girls playing, but we asked and so we played. Fun times! My team always one. That may be because the PE teacher and his brother were on our team as well as the very good Sopea at 11th grader guy that is super tall and on the other team there was a group of students that were not too great... but I like to think that the teams were even since i am sorta like a handicap to my team... lol... My feet are so sore and red because we played on textured red tile barefoot. and my right arm is full of black dots of broken blood vessels. I have a feeling I will sleep well tonight.

Tomorrow will be a good day I can feel it.

This week is going 10 times better and smoother than last week. I am started to get into the grove of things much better than before.

Have a great day and thanks for all your prayers!

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