Wednesday, September 9, 2009

work. work. work

I have a feeling that you will be reading a lot of blogs on how much work there is to do and how little time there is. :D

This week the normal schedule is wake up at sometime between 4 and 5 work on classes, go to school, work till 9-10 o'clock and then go to bed. It's getting a little frustrating that no matter what I plan, I get behind or I have to change the lesson last minutes. Teaching is all about being on one's toes. I'm learning from a lot of my mistakes and this week is going much smoother. I am getting more familiar with names and students, and the students are becoming comfortable with me so I feel like I belong to the school now. I am even having students confide in me already about things.

Today was prayer meeting with the dorm kids where all the teachers are suppose to come. Only three of the volunteers and two teachers came. A little sad, but we had a good time. I learned more about a lot of the students. There is one family staying at the dorm of four boys and a girl. Three of the guys names are Sopea, Sopa, Sopan. Now can you imagine being the parent calling for one of your children? And they all look alike too. I though Sopa was Sopea and was so confused when I saw the other one. Also there is this adorable dorm student named Henry, who I call Sir Henry who is in pre-k and living in the dorm. So young! He was scared of ghosts today. Ghosts are very common in Cambodia because animistic beliefs are very common. Another example of animistic believes are spirit strings. The kids will where string with pieces of metal wire in it to keep away the bad spirits. They are banned from the school, but often times the children will wear them under their shirts.

BJ and I gave ourself another responsibility. During chapel last Friday all the students were dead looking during worship and so we wondered what we could do. Then we were talking to a student named Pen David about how kids get baptised and then leave and how we can keep them in the church and he said one thing was to improve worship. So now we are the praise team leaders of chapel on Friday! We hope to get students involved in leading out worship, so that they feel some ownership for what is happening. :D

Let me explain Pen David's name. His name he goes by is David, however in Cambodia the surname goes first. So I would be Hahn Amy. Also when one gets married, the women does not change her name. It get's really confusing trying to figure out husbands and wives because of that.

Please pray for me! I already feel stressed more than I have ever felt in my life and prayers of support are needed.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys being worship leaders. Being an SM makes you step up to so many things. You can pretty much do anything. haha. Love you!
