Saturday, September 19, 2009

ANGKOR WAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have now been to Angkor Wat!!!!!!!

Thursday: Sharon let us out of school early so we left school at one got to the bus station and left on the bus at 3:30 we got to Siem Reap at 11:00. loooong bus ride. But Orng has the coolest family ever. His mom called his uncle in Siem Reap and his uncle hooked us up with a hotel for the Khmer price of get this.... $12 a night with air conditioning, fridge, warm water, and two beds. Yep. Amazing. He also got his tuk tuk friend to take us all over the place on Friday for 20 dollars for the whole day. We ended up taking two tuk tuks sine there is five of us. (BJ, WHitaker, Kristie, and Orng).

Friday: We woke up bright and early and left to go to Angkor Wat at 5 in the morning so that we could see the sunrise. So beautiful! My words can not do it justice and the pictures will not be able to as well. Angkor wat is just one temple in the whole park. We spent the whole day temple hopping and we only saw the major major ones. There are hundreds of temples all over the place. Bayon temple was my favorite and it is easily recognisable in pictures because it is the one with all the head carvings everywhere. It got so hot out!!! I was sweating up a storm and climbing all those stairs to the top of the temples... goodness, it was worth it but I definatly sweated in places I have never sweated before. It is amazing the languages that the people can speak here. There are so many tourist here that the kids are able to learn a lot of languages. You can hear kids switching from language to language depending on the tourist they are trying to sell their wares too. The kids will just follow you ever where and will say... I remember you, you come back when done. For breakfast we at at stall number four right out side of angkor wat which was a great view :D I had a mango pancake. yum. it was threee bucks which is a rip off here, but we're tourists, what can i say. For lunch we stoped at a random restuarant outside of a temple. I had Amok which is daring on my part. Won't do that again. Amok is a traditional fish dish and I had to try it, just to say that I have had it. Tasted good. By three oçlock we were wiped so we came back into Siem reap and went shopping for food for Sabbath. I don't care for the market here. It was crowded and a pain to go around because i'm not use to it. Plus it is Pchum Ben which is the holiday for the dead. It is a fifteen day holiday and the last day today so the market was really busy. To celebrate the people buy food for their ancestors and go to the wat to pray to them. It's a big deal here.

Well.. it's getting late, so I will tell more tomorrow about today :D

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