Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Floating Church

Even though my 12th grade class had a few cheaters, I have to say that they are pretty amazing. They are so thoughtful and hard working (for the most part :D lol) Yesterday they just kept on helping me out and at first I though maybe they were doing an assignment for Morality because they were being so good, but when I said something today to them, they had no clue what I was talking about. Students never cease to amazing me. I am the senior advisor along with Fay, Pannah, and Sopeap. We are planning for senior fundraising so that they can afford senior survive and their class trip. We are going to have a movie night and watch the movie "Up". Can't wait! I am so proud of the president, Rattanack, because he has really stepped it up and taking charge of the class and doing all the work. I love them all :D

Last Friday after school I went teacher pros's house with Kristie and Kim Streang. Kim Streang made us fish and it was a fresh as fresh can be. The fish was still alive as it went in the oil. So yummy, I was surprised at how good fish could be when you eat the skin. Fish bones are definitely a down side. But the yummy taste makes it worth it. I tried the intestines but that didn't taste the best.

On Saturday we went with Sharon and Gary to visit three churches. We went to churches that were started by one of the dorm students that I teach so we took him along so he could see his family. Two of the churches were Vietnamese floating villages. All the homes were on boats in the form of houses. So neat! They even have floating stores and gas stations. :D The only bad part is that all trash and sewage goes into the river,so even though it looks tempting to swim in... not the best idea. We sang for all the Churches again. I don't really care to sing "I'll fly away" any more. I think we over did it. All the churches were mostly kids. The young people are really searching here and that is awesome. The church will be stronger in a few years when the children grow up. Cambodia is composed of a population that is 50% 18 years old and younger, so the fact that the church is mostly young people makes sense. ALso I need to tell you the names of the church planters kids all go to CAS except Chuly (sounds like July) and he goes to the university in the phillipes, and is going to teach math at CAS when he graduates. Okay so here it goes oldest to youngest. Chuly, Sophea (boy), Sopheath (boy), Chulong (boy), Sophean (boy), Rebecca (girl :D). hahahah... wouldn't you like to be their mother... and they all look the same too. All you have to do is start saying Sophe... and all of them respond. I love it! Cutest family ever.

I am teaching another class. I can't remember if I told you or not. It is so crazy now. So much to do. Tom morrow I have five classes to prepare for, two of them Math. I give out homework, and in doing so I have so much to grade. I feel that since I assign the homework, it is my responsibility to take the time to grade, so they know how they are doing and since there is a test every week in all classes, I have to get it back the next day so they can learn from their mistakes. So hard for me to do. I get frustrated sometimes because I do not have the time to prepare the best of lesson plans, and I get frustrated when I know that I should do so much more, but I do not know how to. Physics especially. The book is terrible and does not explain concepts. It just has labs in it, so I feel like I have to fill in for what the books lack, and then the students ask questions and it is difficult to focus on one topic since everything is interrelated. I am also learning what not to do and what to do for projects and test. I feel bad for the students who get all my mistakes. I am slowly learning from them. I know that I can't know everything, but I wish I did for my students sack. I wish that I could just transfer knowledge. My algebra II class had their first test where everyone did around 80% or better. It might be because I made it easier, but I am glad I did because it boosted their confidence in their ability to do math, and it made me feel better, that at least they are learning something. I also had someone tell me that math is their favorite class. :D yeah! My algebra I class just complains about al the homework and then talks all through class. I don't think they realize that it is because they talk, I assign more homework. They will get the picture soon though. It just stinks cause that means I have to grade more. :/ Music appreciation class.... let not talk about that same with health. I am surviving by the seat of my pants. I can tell I am not interested in those classes as much as math and physics so my plans are not as organized... need to work on that. Drama. Yikes! we have our first performance on Friday and I am embarrassed for my students. They have NO enthusiasm and everything they do looks like they are just walking around. I'm worried about that one. Maybe a miracle will happen and they suddenly have talent. That would be nice.

I can tell my students are starting to trust me now. I appreciate it for the most part, except for when I here all the details such as... he's not here, he has diarrhea. Don't really need to know that but anyways... I know that they trusted me cause everyone else was just told, he has a upset stomach. Yeah that's right. I got the whole picture. :D lol

Love is in the air... all the students are hooking up. It's interesting to see, and it is interesting how I get protective of some students. I think some can do better, and I want to tell them, but that would be rude and overstepping my bonds. When I said something to two kids, they told me "what do you mean teacher, we are brothers and sister in Christ" haha says the buddhist of the two. Although that couple is cute and Moniroth is a good influence on Krisna.

Anyways gotta plan...

Thanks for all your support and prayers! I appreciate it!

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