Thursday, October 22, 2009

okay. I know it's been awhile, but I have yet to master the art of managing my time.

Two weeks ago Drama went well. That morning BJ let me take the 10th graders during his class time and so we practiced. They felt more comfortable and I felt a lot more comfortable. I had chosen music to play while they perform to add to the mood and it added a lot to the presentation. Right before the first program started, my computer crashed and I lost all my playlists and music organized in Itunes so it was crazy getting my computer started and finding all the music again, but praise God somehow it all worked out. My students acted pretty good, at least better than normal, and I didn't feel embarrassed at the end. Actually I was quite proud of them, because there were some students that really stepped it up, took charge, and presented leadership skills that I never expected before.

The next day we had movie night for Senior fundraiser. Crazy Day! I was also incharge of Saturday night vespers which I did completely last minute. We were not planning tio start working on movie night till after 6 so when at 5:30 Rattanak interuppted vespers to tell me kids were already lining up to come in. The gates were advertised to open at 7 p.m. I was told later that there were people starting to drive by to see if they could get in at 3 p.m. No more Saturday night activites. Too many people do not hold the same beliefs as we do about the Sabbath and it is too distracting. For vespers I just lead reading and discussion on the easter story. I think it was good for the group just to focus on bible reading. I think too often we feel worship has to be fancy when really it just needs to be simple.

During movie night everyone for th emost part in the class helped out. I am so proud of Rattanack and all he has done. When I ask him to do something he gets it done plus more. and then there is Sonita who on friday when we backed cookies stayed the whole time and was the only one to do so and then on Saturday night she was the one making popcorn the whole night and then cleaned up afterwards. She impressed me. She got sick later in the week and I went and visited her and since then she feels much more comfortable and she is a friend.

That next week was rough because everyone was getting sick. In all of my classes almost everyday of the week I had at least two kids missing if not more and I had a lot of students worried that it was the swine flu. The swine flu is in Phnom Penh and has killed some, but none of the students at CAS actually had it. But it made teaching hard when a lot of the class is missing.

This week I still didn't get a lot done in teaching wise cause it is creation week. Sometime recently wast the anviersery of the theory of evelution and so to counter it, the school held creation week/week of prayer. Its been really nice. It is advised that teachers do not give homework which I gladly went along with (yeah no grading!!!!!) and each day the president of Cambodia mission came and gave a presentation and all of them have been really insightful. Tomorrow all the classes are going to be planting trees during chapel time :D fun! I have had a lot of good disscussions with my classes about creation and they all wanted to hear about why I believe in creation instead of evelution. Lots of students asking questions. :D Makes my day when they do.

Yesterday I had a student yell in Khmer she hates my classes and I was told by David that is what she said. So today to see what i can do to improve, the quiz was, what is one thing you like about Algebra II class, and what is one thing that can be improved. I love the answers. I was expecting hate mail and they surprised me. ALmost all said I talk to fast, too soft, and have terrible handwriting... what's new. I need to work on that. I'll write some for you to read and i'll leave the terrible spelling and everything. :P

This one hurt a little when I read, but I know it is true. I do have my favorites, but it is not because i think to myself this student is better than another, but because I have worked on activities with some students outside of class so I know them better. I need to work on getting to know each student.

"I like all things about your class but one thing I think you should do to improve is that you should find a way to get know each student personaly and make sure you reach out to each student do not left anyone out and show no favoritism"

these ones made me happy

"I don't like learning Math but I found out that it was fun, I enjoy and like this class"

"I like about his class
-Good explaination
- Help the student when we didn't know the answer, or how to do.
-more homework and quizzes.

"The students can ask what they don't understand and the teacher is willing to help"

"I like more homework. I don't like, nothing I don't like about Math class, but can you speak a bit louder, teacher. Thank you so much!" (haha even though they didn't write names on these i know who you are! he is the only student who asks for more work and I am teaching him Pre-Calc on the side. He is very gifted in Math and could quickly surpass me if he studied after high school at a university level.)

"I like this class because even my teacher gave us a lot of homework to do but we could asked her the problem that we didn't understand about the homework in class. The things that I didn't like is when she spoke I couldn't understand sometimes because she spoke too fast and soft. But the things that I like in this class have more than the things that I hate. I love her becasue she care about her student and explain about the things that we didn't understand so well."

"The class is very interesting, active, specially your encouragment to the students. I would like you to still struggling with us because I think now we are on the same pages. And for my self I think you had improve me a lot about the Algebra dn I would like you to continue to encourage all the students in the class, then they would have confidence to do everything."

now for the best... he/she introduces my new nick name... lol

"I like this class about 50%. I like to learn Math ecause it is interested if we can go over all the problems. I don't mean that you bad teacher, or course I know that you are the Mother of Math, you know and I think it's great that you are the Math teacher, because you will help the student about Math, but I don't really understand what you teach. you speak fast and math is tricky so I have the hard time to follow. I want you to explain the lesson first so that I can to the exercise or homework"

Mother of Math... HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I love it!

Today we had a bunch of teachers over for dinner. We made potatoe soup, chappaties, eggplant sandwhiches, and curry. Yummy. We had Pros, Sopha, Moses, Kim Streang, Whitaker, and BJ over. Good times. I never knew that Uno could get so lively.

I have to say that God is working here. Since I have become closer to some students, they are more willing to talk about personal lives, what they think about topics, and finally during prayer time I get more out of students then, this person is sick and I get multiple people talking. It's nothing darastic, but more of an openess than before. I am praying specailly for two students in 12th grade because I think they are searching. The 12th graders are the first class to get to 12th grade and have so many Buddhist still in the class. I have 23 students and I can count 7 who are Christian. There may be more, but I am not aware of it.

Well I hope this is an okay update. If you have any questions let me know!


  1. Actually Amy the students write and spell about as good as you do on your blog. :) Just had to put that in there. Sorry. You write on your blog how you talk. Fast.
    Love you so much

  2. Hi Amy,

    I love reading your blog. It sounds like you are having such a good experience over there! Things will seem so diffenent when you come back to the states. God Bless all you are doing.

    With Love, Theresa

  3. haha mom.. that's because I always feel in a hurry so I write as much as I can in a quick time. I didn't put the ones with the terrible grammer in. You should see some of them. often times on quizes I have to mark things wrong, because I have no idea what they are trying to say.

    Thanks Theresa! I will try to update it more. :D
