Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think that if I survive this weekend I can handle anything. Yep.

Tomorrow drama is having their first production for chapel. I feel so bad for those kids. I know nothing about drama, so we are all learning together. I asked Fay today if they expect big things, and she said not really... thats good... I am staying after school to help the 12th graders make cookies for their fundraiser on Sunday. Then off to downtown to get my haircut with some friends. I'm startin to feel like I have a bush on my head. The humidity makes my hair go "POOF" I with there was a caps for caps so I go show how big my hair is. :D Log hair is considered beutiful here, so I guess one more thing to make me look more foreign... short hair.

Saturday we are going to church here for the first time in a month! Yeah! I miss it. It will be good to talk to some friends again. I am in charge of vespers at night... need to think of something to do yet :/ Then right afterwards at 6 I need to run to school and help set up for their fundraiser. We are having a movie night, watching "Up". Should be fun.

I wish I could express to you guys how much I love the kids here. I think it is one of my strong points and one of my weaknesses. I am starting to care for them so much that I am loosing the teacher status and becomeing friends, which hurts in the classroom. I have yet to find the perfect medium. Wait. By the end of the year I'll get it. I expecially care for the dorm students cause I feel like they need motherly care. For example one kid got hurt and I just wanted to baby him, or when Henery failed all his classes for midterm, I felt like I needed to be the mother who scolded him and now I bug him about studying, and I feel like I need to give them hugs all the time, cause they don't have a home to go home to. I wish there was a way you could meet them all. David a 12th grader drives me nuts with all his jokes, reminds me of dad... lol, Rattanak another 12th grader has great leadership skills, Visak in 11th grade is the only one who braves the front row and has a smile that could melt anyone, Ratana is the 10th grader who tries at everything and is so determined she doesn't care if she makes a mistake, Tulip and Sivheang drive us home when we need a ride. All the students amaze me. Sometimes they drive me up the wall (specially those 10th graders....) but I love them anyways.

For example, drama is presenting tomorrow and they have had time in class to practice, but those 10th graders love to chat and so they felt if they ran through it twice they got it down, now it is the day before and so they are complaining to me about how they do not feel comfortable, they don't like what they are doing, they want to do one large skit instead of a bunch of charades, they want to talk, they want costumes, they want, they want, they do not like, they do not like... get the picture. Makes me want to scream. I have never heard kids complain so much in my life. After they heard my thoughts on the matter... "this is suppose to be a challenge, the reason we are not talking is that i am trying to show you how actions speak louder then words and instead of owning up to the challenge and trying something new, all you do is complain making me miserable and therefore I make you miserable.... etc." they were willing to work a little more. At least they were silent. ;) Although I have to say I am kinda thankful that they talk in Algebra, in a way. One day I was walking past whenanother teacher was teaching and they were all sitting so quietly and still and it was beautiful. The next day I asked how come they are not that good with me. There responce... "we are falling asleep" ahaha at least they are not falling asleep with me. No it is definately not the case ever with me. I'm going gray cause of them. Please pray for my patience.

Well that is the latest update. I miss you all!

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