Friday, January 22, 2010

week 3 of New Years Resolution

Again randoms from my diary.

Jan. 18:

Today was a good day. I started off reading Romans 5:1-11 and I felt loved. It came at the right time when I just needed to be reminded of how big God's love is for me and how insignificant I am and yet he cared. I recommend you read it.

Health class went better. I don't know if I wrote this before, but they were remembering nothing in review and it scared me. Today I could tell they were studying.

Kristie and I became MaDai Dorm (mother dorm) for the day. Sok Cheng needed to have a day off. It went well for the most part. I worked on my Khmer with the kids and practiced reading some words. Makes no sense to me. I can make the sounds of each letter, but to put it together! what a task! It made me a lot more patient with my ESL group the next day. The only thing that went wrong is I caught a girl with a phone which they are not suppose to have. I took it away and gave it to the vice principle. caused a little drama but not too bad.

Jan. 19

It is raining! It's suppose to be dry season. So much for leaving cloths on the line cause it "never rains" during this time of the year...

Jan. 22:

Semester exams are done! I think I made them too difficult. For example (name) did the best for Physics and his score was 71%. I still do not know how I will curve it. Making good tests is a art that I have not mastered. No one finished my Algebra II test either.

We have to have all grades in by Sunday morning cause we are going to Tum buck hah (something like that) in Preah Veah up north near the Thai border. That is the province were all the conflict with Thailand is occurring so many parents do not want the kids to go because if war breaks out that is where it will occur. I say why live life thinking "what if?" Conflict has occurred with Thailand for the past few years and so far no war. Anyways we are going to have tons of fun at a Ropes Course run by ADRA. It is located in the jungle yeah!!

I have never had so many girls cry to me before. What is sad is I try to think of advice but do not offer prayer and then another student will say we need to pray. Why is prayer my last option? I need to learn to make it my first option in all situations.

Have a happy Sabbath!!!

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