Saturday, February 13, 2010


I broke my promise. It's been two weeks.

Senior survival was the bestest! We went to a ropes coarse and did team building activities. We also did a lot of activities that involved being in a harness and jumping from large hights to encourage self confidence. The kids were so brave. Most of them have never done that kind of stuff before and everyone tried all the activities even when they were terrified. One girl took an hour to encourage to finally jump off on the zipline, but afterwards she just crashed and slept for an hour or so. We had a little drama with one girl.

In Cambodia the girls are not really taught how to deal with stress and us SM"s were not aware of this. We were the ádults of the trip cause teacher Rithy needed to go home. After one of the activities a girl colapsed and wouldn't really respond and it was not a sleep cause she would blink in response to questions. She could not move. After three hours we took her to the hospital and the hospitals out in the country are definatly not first class. It took an hour for the doctor to realize that IV he gave here was not working and he only had two patients and they were in the same room. Anyways after an hour in the hospital she woke up and was fine.

The next day us SM's concluded she would not do anything that was too "scary" She agreed and they for the zipline when she saw how much fun everyone was having she wanted to go. We said no and then called Sharon for advice and she called the admin and they all agreed no as well. The girl was not too happy and threatened to commit suicide, ran away and then again went into a coma state like appearance for 4-5 hours. Good times. Apparently she has done this before. It scared us the first time but the second time I was just plain annoyed cause she puts herself into it. She is okay now and she appoligized.

But now school is back to normal. My 12th graders had a valentines sales this past week and we had some mix ups with the orders so there was some upsetness with that, but overall I think it went well. I just wish I could speak Khmer.

Oh the biggest news of all is during Senior Survival, God again told me to switch to THeology and all my kids got to see me cry as I was giving my testimony because my testimony was not supose to have the part were I say "God's calling me to be a pastor and I don't want to.", so yeah... when I am back my new major is theology, good thing I like school.

I cut my thumb and now I have no feeling on the top part of my thumb. Kinda cool.

It's Chinese new years right now so everything is closed. It's funny because I am in Cambodia and it is not an official holiday. I have a feeling a lot of students will be skipping tomorrow, especially the half-chinese students.

Whitaker just bought a moto and so he is gonna pick Kristie and I up from the Internet shop. He is crazy. We are at an internet shop cause the internet does not work at our place. The cord is cut.

I did Chapel on Friday and my Sermon was on the second coming. Too many people believe the movie 2012 that just came out. THey think the world is going to end in 2012 and there will be two suns and two moons and the works. Even some of the christian teachers are confused. It was cool I was nervous when I stood up and then I just spoke and the words came. I could feel the Holy Spirit that is the only way I can describe it. I said things I never planed on saying. The students actually paid attention and some were squiming uncomfortably. Afterwards I felt shot. I was shaking and tired. I think that it was something the kids needed to hear.

I need to go now. BJ's waiting for me.

Love you all and I miss talking to friends. Sometimes I just want someone to talk to from the US, but oh well I love it here and it is soon forgotten.


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