Friday, January 22, 2010

week 3 of New Years Resolution

Again randoms from my diary.

Jan. 18:

Today was a good day. I started off reading Romans 5:1-11 and I felt loved. It came at the right time when I just needed to be reminded of how big God's love is for me and how insignificant I am and yet he cared. I recommend you read it.

Health class went better. I don't know if I wrote this before, but they were remembering nothing in review and it scared me. Today I could tell they were studying.

Kristie and I became MaDai Dorm (mother dorm) for the day. Sok Cheng needed to have a day off. It went well for the most part. I worked on my Khmer with the kids and practiced reading some words. Makes no sense to me. I can make the sounds of each letter, but to put it together! what a task! It made me a lot more patient with my ESL group the next day. The only thing that went wrong is I caught a girl with a phone which they are not suppose to have. I took it away and gave it to the vice principle. caused a little drama but not too bad.

Jan. 19

It is raining! It's suppose to be dry season. So much for leaving cloths on the line cause it "never rains" during this time of the year...

Jan. 22:

Semester exams are done! I think I made them too difficult. For example (name) did the best for Physics and his score was 71%. I still do not know how I will curve it. Making good tests is a art that I have not mastered. No one finished my Algebra II test either.

We have to have all grades in by Sunday morning cause we are going to Tum buck hah (something like that) in Preah Veah up north near the Thai border. That is the province were all the conflict with Thailand is occurring so many parents do not want the kids to go because if war breaks out that is where it will occur. I say why live life thinking "what if?" Conflict has occurred with Thailand for the past few years and so far no war. Anyways we are going to have tons of fun at a Ropes Course run by ADRA. It is located in the jungle yeah!!

I have never had so many girls cry to me before. What is sad is I try to think of advice but do not offer prayer and then another student will say we need to pray. Why is prayer my last option? I need to learn to make it my first option in all situations.

Have a happy Sabbath!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I like the way my friend Sara does her blog with random things from her journal so I am now going to do the same, instead of think of new stuff to write for the blog each week. Sorry if it seems a little random.

Jan 10: I miss Orng. For Sabbath I was reading what he wrote for me so I could sing the Khmer songs. He forgot he was writing in English so when he came to "preah" which means God, he wrote it in Khmer. Good thing preah and knom are the two words I can read in Khmer :D

Jan. 11: It is Kristie's birthday. We went to Sharon and Gary's for dinner. We ate pizza and I was stuffed beyond belief. Sharon made pizza.

Angellina and Manilla Ros left school. Their parents want them to be able to get Gov. Certificate and because it is tested on the Sabbath our school does not have it.

Jan. 12: I just remembered Roth when he did the time worksheet wrote "60 after 11" for 12 o'clock. He likes to push the rules. Always is thinking outside of the box. We call him BJ's son. haha even other students call him that. They have a special bond.
Alia told me I look old today. He said it's cause my hair is down. It was a little frizzy today. haha I love honesty. Only in Cambodia.

Jan. 13: I'm feeling down, blah and my students can tell. I don't like it. I seem to make more mistakes than doing stuff correctly. Maybe it is Satan tring to discourage me. It is making me feel like a terrible teacher. After school I worked with Sear on Pre-Calc and I couldn't answer his questions. I was told that most of my students think I come straight from high school. I didn't know I make that many mistakes. It's almost a joke now. If I don't make a mistake that it is a strange day and something is wrong. At first it didn't bug me, but it is just piling up and I want to be someone that the students can go to and they will feel confident that I will give them the right answer. I just want one mistake free day.

We had bible study in the evening. Our group was asked to find a bible verse that talks about helping the poor. Sophat wanted to show me one verse and he was looking in the bible for it. When he found it, he got so excited he pointed at it and said "Teacher! here this is it, see it does talk about serving the poor" I just blankly looked at his bible and when I didn't respond yes or no he said "teacher look!" and he got even more excited that I wouldn't agree with him. I tried to calm him down ... "sophat... sophat... Sophat! I can't read khmer." haha he forgot he was reading in khmer and I couldn't read it. I thought it was hilareous! that was the highlight of my day.

Hak was excited today. He came in afer school to tell me he wasn't studying with me because he was going to study with Gary about the Sabbath. It was cool to see him light up. He is a very mellow dude so o see him like that and to hear him talk so much about how he was excited to study the bible was cool to see. Students surprise me and I love it.

Jan. 14: Too bad it takes a semester for me to realize I 'm a terrible health teacher. They didn't even know what a pupil or kidneys are! Ahhhh! Something needs to change.

Good news... My friend in 10th grade who shall remain nameless claims he hates america and when he becomes a dictator of a country he is going to bomb America. At least now he promises he will fly me out before he bombs America. So warning: if you see me flying on a private jet out of America... America will soon be bombed. that child scared me... haha and to think he is one of my allies in the crazy 10th grade class that drives me nuts.

Jan. 16: Angellina came back to school. Apparently the school they transferred to was "mean" the students did not accept her, there were no rules, and even though it was "english" everyone spoke khmer. Even though are school seems crazy sometimes it is good to here that at least we have a welcoming environment. She told me she was glad to be back with Adventists. I'm glad she could see something in us that is different. Hopefully it is God working through the school. She is leaning towards baptism and so I am glad that she is back in a christian environment.

Jan. 17: I went to IBC today and I got two books to learn to read and write khmer. I now know the first six letters and five other random letters. I'm slowly learning. Here is a link to see what the constanants look like for their alphabet.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Years

My new years resolution that I just made today: Update my blog once a week. Lets see how this works.... I don't make any promises but I am going to try. I started a journal so hopefully I can just take stuff from that each week and wha-la! a new blog.

Last week was winter break. Kristie, BJ, and I went to Thailand and had a blast! We all stayed at BJ's cousin's house whom he met for the first time ever, and they were the sweetest family ever. They are Filipino and so we got to enjoy lots of Filipino food. Yummy! I was missing out before.

We did a tour basically everyday. The highlights were I was able to pet many full grown tigers and I rode an elephant! Fun times! The low lights was the snake show where i wanted to yell "of course it is gonna attack when you throw the snake. I wouldn't like it either!"

We also visited mission college were some of my friends now go. Except since it was break no one was there. Actually it is now called Asia-Pacific International University. It is a beautiful campus. We went on Thursday so for New Years we brought some people with us from the University went to BJ's cousin house and celebrated the new years on the roof of their apartment complex. It is around 25 stories high and right outside of the city so we had a good view of the Bangkok skyline. Now Bangkok is just like any big city in the US with freeways and skyscrapers galore so it was beautiful seeing all the fireworks going off in the skyline. Although as we looked at one skyscraper, black smoke started coming out of it which was not a good sign. Since we left the next day I'm not sure if the building was actually on fire. You can see pictures of our trip at

This week we went back to school :D I missed seeing my kids so it was good to be back. On Thursday we had a holiday but I spent the day grading. I'm still so behind. Today I have to make all my semester exams cause they are due tomorrow. I'm a little nervous if I will get it done. we'll see....

Anyways.. Have a great week!