Sunday, May 16, 2010


I alot has happened in the past few months... I don't even know where to start. So this blog may be a little random as I try to remember the highlights. :D

- My parents came!!!! Yeah!!!! I was able to show them around Phnom Penh so if you see them ask them how it went. :D I think they had a good time. Phnom Penh was stark empty because it was Khmer New Year so all the people leave the city to go to their provinces. I know NO ONE from Phnom Penh originally. Everyone has a "homeland" that they go to.
- The next weekend for holiday I went with the other SM's to the beach Kom Pong Som. We had a blast and we went snorkeling at an amazing island where there was basically no one there except us and the locals. The beach was white and empty. Gorgeous. God has created some amazing things. We saw lots of fish and sea creature thingys... haha... that I have no clue what they are.

- My birthday! I had a blast. It was 3 days of fun :D On friday I had a surprise party with Tim, Fay, Gary, Sharon, Kristie, BJ, and Whit. On Saturday it was Sabbath and I had a fun time at Game time. Finally at the end of the day the boys let me win rook. When ever i play with them, they always bid rediculouly high and so I never can get points but finally they let me bid :D Then on Sunday some of my students led by Rosa threw me a little surprise get together. Now that was a surprise... I love them all dearly :D :D :D :D
- This weekend Kristie, Sumaira, and I went to vietnam and we did all our souvenir shopping. Apparently all things touristy is made in Vietnam so all the tourist things that you can get here and are made in Vietnam are a lot cheaper to just buy in Vietnam... :D Plus I got to eat Pho where Bill Clinton ate. And I got to see the tunnels were the North Vietnamese fought... and I saw the Reunification Palace where South Vietnam surrendered. Pretty cool stuff. It's fun to see that history is real. :D

So those are the major events. Now for some news....

-I only have one more month of school left. Not even. I think I am im panic mode. Already some of the Loas kids went home and I wasn't able to say goodbye!!!! I don't know what I am going to do. Breathing literally gets hard when I think I will be saying good bye soon. I'm gonna cry majorly. I'm going to warn all my students.

-The first science fair ever for CAS is this coming Sunday... we'll see how it goes...

- On Saturday Drama presents for church. PRAY FOR US PLEASE.... I am in panic mode. The kids are not. They are SLOW!!!!!! It doesn't help we have only had one class all quarter cause of all the holidays. Please pray that I am not pessimistic... but seriously I am WORRIED! I am praying that it will go well. On the plus side, because we are doing a program for church I have been doing worship with them every morning for the past month to prepare them for the program so they understand the message they are trying to get across and it is cool to see so many of the students interesting in Christs story.. I don't know what they have been learning so far but some of the kids didn't even know Jesus felt pain for them. Interesting conversations going on there. Pray that they all continue searching.

- 8 students may not graduate. Pray that they get there study boots on and get serious!

- Good news! I had a student who had given up on life... last straw was failing my class and so he was thinking about commiting suicide. BJ found out and so he talk to the principle and I talked to this student and made a deal that if he made up the work he would pass with a 60% (which is barely passing) and he had to prove he would try harder. Now he is one of the better students in my class, trying really hard, taking baptismal classes and he says it is because 2 teachers never gave up on him, and have shown him patience and so now life is worth living. I love happy stories!!! Pray that his interest in Jesus is not just temporary and that he continues searching. He is asking to be baptized. :D YEAHH!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! (p.s. I have other student who failed were given the opportunity to make up the work and are now trying harder as well... pray for them, and pray for those who do not take up the gift of mercy... now I know how Jesus feels....)

- Please just pray for Cambodia... lots of exciting things can happen, but only we the Holy Spirits help.

Well gotta grade... as always.

Love ya all!!!!!!

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