Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Pi Day!

Today I went to S-21 Prison. It is one of the prisons that Pol Pot opened in Cambodia. During his reign people who were thought to be against the regime were charged and brought to this prison to see if they were traitors. Basically, one had to confess or be killed. Or not confess and be killed. It more depended on how much torture one could survive through. Most of those who were sentenced to go to prison were educated people. Pol Pot wanted to create a state that was all one class—labor workers. Phnom Penh was basically evacuated and either forced to work at labor camps or killed if they were of higher class. It is so horrific what the human race is willing to do. It is also sad how it seem the world continued on without realizing what occurred to Cambodia. What is also truly horrifying is that the U.S helped put the Khmer Rouge in power. In Cambodia they have excavated around 20,000 MASS graves. not 20,000 normal graves of people during this time, but 20,000 MASS graves. The time period that this occurred in was around 3 years long, maybe 1976-‘79. They had a list of some of the graves that they have excavated. Each grave had any where around 100-30,000 people in each grave.
It was a place that was just hauntingly silent. The rooms were plain, not much in it except the bed that the prisoners lied in when being tortured along with a box that they used as their toilet, but it was just inexpressible seeing the pictures and reading about what was done in this building. What is remarkable is the prison was a high school before being turned into a prison. So in the rooms there are still chalkboards and little sayings etched in the wall about teamwork and good communication. Two very opposite uses of a building that contrasted greatly.
In the pictures of those that were killed and tortured some looked to be just 5-7 years old. Those who did the torturing were anywhere’s from 16-30 years old looking. Pol Pot trained a very young army. Boys who were only waist high carried guns. There is a pastor here who tells that when he was forced to carry a gun it would drag on the ground because it was bigger than he.

Anyways… to more happier thoughts.
Today the ninth grades did a fundraiser as well and so I did face painting at it. I had fun. I let Chea face paint my face for 5,000 reil. It looked quite interesting. He tried to turn me into a guy with a mustache and beard along with some random other designs all over my face. I then turned him into a tiger… or what was supposed to be a tiger :P haha
On Friday I celebrated Pi day with my 12 graders. I made apple pie, banana cream pie, and mango cake for them. (Yeah our oven works now! ) What surprised me is that they actually ate all of that. I thought I would have left over’s. They enjoyed it. 10th graders on Friday had to do their skits. Decent but still needs more work. I am having difficulties motivating that class to go beyond expectations or to at least make expectations. It’s a slow process. Elementary did very well. I think that it helped that I let them speak Khmer… then I felt bad though, because then I was promoting it is okay to speak Khmer in school. It’s hard. I want chapel to be something the kids can learn from and so if they are going to get something out of it, I feel like it should be in the language that they can understand, but yet they are at our school to learn English and the only way they are going to learn is to be exposed to it all the time. Next time I think I will do it in English though. Give it a try.

Yesterday I did scripture reading for Church. Pisith recommended to the Pastor that I read it … I was confused why until I found out that I was reading the genealogy of Christ. I think he was secretly laughing to himself as I tried to pronounce all the names…. actually not, but yet I wonder…

I lost and found my bible this week. I NEED my bible and I was seriously lost without it. But Kristie found it :D Yeah for a good roommate!
I was told this week by a student that she is trying to be like me… What a scary thought. I told her to only see the good things, but it made me realize how much the students are watching me. I need to be extra cautious about what I say and do so it reflects how God wants me to be.

I have been having lots of interesting talks with people about the trinity. It is something that I forgot that I do not truly understand. I’m not sure if I should except that it is something that we as humans cannot understand, or as humans, are we making it more difficult than it really is? Something I’m trying to figure out.

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