Monday, November 2, 2009

it's as easy as peeling bananas

So I was planning on going camping the last time I wrote, but then on Wednesday I paniced and decided not to go because of everything that I needed to get done for school. So thursday morning I walked down to tell pastor that Kristy and I were not going and instead I got talked inot going... lol I ran upstairs through some stuff in a bag and left. Kristy and BJ still did not go.

I'm glad I went. I took the stuff I needed to get graded and did most of it on the bus. I prayed the whole weekend that it would not rain and get my papers wet, cause I forgot to take that into consideration when packing.

I'm glad I went and do not have any regrets. I had a blast hanging out with the students and became closer to a lot of them. It surprises me how comfortable students become to a teacher when they trust that teacher. I never really had that kind of relationship with any of my teachers so it still catches me off guard when a student will come up to me and explain how the last time they were at this river they got baptized and he hung out with his dad and how much he misses him while walking away quickly(his dad pasted away from cancer). Or a student will just lean on me when sitting next to me, or explain the ups and downs of their dating relationships. I like it. It just saddens me how I am just temperary. I keep of thinking of things I wish I could change for next year, or do better for next year, and then I am reminded that there is no next year. It depresses me.

I have a family here now :D When we signed up to go on this trip the pastor told us we would be in charge of our own food cause we wouldn't like theirs (he kinda offended me assuming we were foreigners too different to eat the same food. He was trying to be nice I know and it is very kind of him to think of us) so I talked to David, a student of mine, who was going with a nother group with his dad and asked if we could eat with him. So we ate with the bicyling group. Their group rode their bikes to Ka Kong instead of taking a bus. It is over 200 km. But anyways, David's mom did a lot of the cooking and she is amazing cook and I knew so already cause I taste david and vireak's food during lunch time at school, so we ate well. anyways what I am trying to get at is david's mom calls me daughter now, and she told me to call her mai-dai which me mother and his dad is a sweet heart, who has worked as a pastor in Cambodia for ages. He can speak multiple languages. David is like a little brother to me and I got to know david's older brothers and so we hung out with them alot (we learned the coolest dance ever... think like the chicken dance) and the bicycle group consided of all of david's cousins and we ate everymeal with all of them. therefore i feel like i have a family here. :D

There were only squatty potties in the bathroom, no showers, so to take a bath we washed in the stream. :D FUN! It is the first time I have every gotten my picture taken while taking a bath. LOL Cambodians are really modest so we wore our cloths while bathing and swimming. The water was clear, so I actually felt clean after wards. It was truely camping. I enjoyed it tons.

I'm going to bed now, so I'll tell more tomorrow.

good night!

1 comment:

  1. Amy... you make me laugh when I read your blog!!! Help an old lady out here.... what is the connection with "It's as easy as peeling bananas"? Keep the blogs coming!

    Love to you... Theresa
