Monday, August 31, 2009


First Day of School!

It was a good day. First hour was physics, and I am excited for the year. I started off tough, and I think it will pay off. I already have figured out the trouble makers of that class and had to split them up already, although when I split them up, the ones that talked constantly were the ones that answered my questions and participated, so it is all about channeling the energy. :D Then I worked in the library helping Faye, and discovered that I have to talk when I work. Then I helped in ESL class for and hour quizing kids on shapes to see where they are at. Only two kids knew them all... lots of work to be done. Then lunch. Then free time. Normally I would have ESL buy Phanna worked with them on Khmer and I can't help much there lol. Then it was Health. I ran out of things to do so then I just started pulling things to do from thin air. Sad to say they were a little bored. Then music class with the same kids. Only one person has heard of Mozart and the only song they recognised of Bethoven was one that was played on the show with Jerry the mouse. I can't remember the name... I have ben and Jerry's in my mind and that is not it. Also non of them have had music class so I have lots of work to go. I thought they had a background in music, cause they are suppose to take music every year, so I had to backtracko on my lesson some.

I rode my bike to school, in a skirt cause I see girls do it all the time and it was the most uncomfortable thing to do in the world. I then found out they wear shorts underneath which makes lots of sense. SO instead of wearing a skirt and riding my bike back and flashing all my students I hitched a ride with Java (pronounced Jawa).

They BJ, Samairah, Nehah, Avak, and I went to Soriya Mall to go to Lucky grocery store to get food for tomorrows supper when Kristie comes. and then ate frozen yugurt. :D yum. We rode in a tuk tuk on the way there and it was the first time for Samairah and she has been here for over a year. Before we leave we always ask the price, so we don't get riped off when we arrive because we are foreigners. He agreed to bai (three) dollars which is the normal price. When he got there I handed him three dollars and the police next to us said something to the driver. The driver turned to me and said five dollars. I said no, you agreed to three. The police said something more and the driver nodded towards the police and pleaded five. The police said more. FInally I gave him 5 dollars and took back the three. The police said more and the driver told us it was 5 beyond the three. The police where using the driver to get money from us. :/ I was so upset. I did not want to give him the money, but I was scared to run from the police. I dalied some and then finally gave it to him, cause the driver looked upset. As we walked away the police took the 5 dollars we gave the driver. All because I am a ba'rang (foreigner) I think I should dye my hair black. BJ blends in cause he is Asian and so does everyone else, but I stick out like a sore thumb. Oh well... that is my first expierence with the corrupt system of Cambodia.

While we were eating our frozen yugurt it down poured and the streets became mini streems. Akram called worried and so they came and picked us up. I'm glad because a tuk tuk would not have made it through all the water. A lot is flooded right now. I'm worried about the school cause it is so low.

When we got back Alia and Akram fed us dinner. We had some core and then black garbanzos and rice. The corn is amazing! It was corn with beans, and shallots, vinager, hot sauce, and muchroom sauce. Yum! I love it! And then following dinner of caurse we had Chai. ;D

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