Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving was a more different day. On Wednesday night, Kristie and I spent awhile making lots and lots of donuts for all of our students. That is all of highschool and ESL. We figured around 140 students and we made at least two donuts for each kid and we had enough for two per each teacher as well, and then had left overs to spare. We do not have a working oven, so we are limited in the deserts that we can make. Donuts were are best option to give to the students. We were going to make rice pudding but that would have taken a lot of milk, and we do not have that kind of money.

Thursday we went to school like anyother day, but handed out donuts. For breakfast though Sharon had us over and we had belgium waffles with raspberries and strawberries! Now that is a very, very, very, very special treat. After the day I taught adult ESL which went okay. There was a whole scandle with that. Tricky issue. I already am booked with things to do and then the pastor told me to choose a day to teach adult ESL after school. I though he ment only one day so I agreed, told him a day, and then it turned out to be everyweek. I felt bad since I already agreed so I was kinda just grudgingly going along. Sharon found out, and it is school policy that teachers can only teach at CAS and if I wanted to teach ESL she is looking for a ESL teacher for a after school class for CAS students. I told her I wanted out, cause I do not have the time. She talked to the pastor and explained. THen I talked to the pastor to explain how I do not have the time, and he thinks it is all Sharon's fault. Everyone allways blames Sharon cause she is the only one who has the guts to speak, so I feel bad that this is one more thing, where the Khmer people blame Sharon. I tried to tell the pastor that it was me without the time, and I am just agreeing with the policy, but that didn't stop his perception. Any ways I told him I would teach one week since it was such last minute that I said that I could not. (the next day I got talk to by a teacher friend of mine explaining how I have to make time, and I guess I am only thinking about myself instead of others.... ohh that made me upset. Says the one who does nothing for his class while I do his job. anyways.... sore subject.)

That night we then had thanksgiving dinner which Sharon hosted and all the expats in Cambodia were invited. (expats are non-khmers) Only the phnom Penh residents came though. And it was funny how a majority of them were not American. haha it was an international thanksgiving. It is the first thanksgiving I have had Chappatties next to my mashed potatoes. I would have it no other way though. Whitaker was sick so he did not enjoy the food that much. So sad... it was yummmy!

Picts of Thanksgiving

Then today was a wedding day. We were invited although I do not know the couple that was getting married. Foreigners are good luck. I was excited to go to see what it is like. The wedding starts bright and early around 8'o'clock and the guests march in the streets. Then breakfast is served, then there is the "Western" style wedding ceremony, then lunch. We skipped all but the ceremony and lunch. Early in the morning I went with two dorm students to get flip flops, since mine were stolen a few weeks ago when I went camping. Then we planned to meet Reachany to see how she was going to do her hair and makeup and to see if we wanted to do the same. We went to the market to meet her, waited for a long time, never found her, and so we went to our own place, cause we figured if we were going to go to a wedding and pay $10 to eat, we were going to go all out. So we went to a salon and to our suprise Pastor Pen Chenda and his wife, were there getting ready for the wedding. So we took it as a sign and stayed. We got our hair and makeup done. My hair turned out a little funny. I have never had so much hair spray in it in my life. You could actually see the hair spray and there was so much that the curls stayed all day, even after changing twice. That is miraculous with my hair. The makeup scared me. My face was covered with foundation, altough surprisingly it looked natural. The eyeshadow was a little iffy the eye liner scary as it was put only on my lower lids, and I made them take off the fake eyelashes as after they put them on I noticiably could see the fake lashes and below it my real lashes. Then they decided to fill in my eyebrows. Now my eyebrows are really light and thin. So adding dark brown color to them, made me look like a Auntie Bertha who has no eyelashes so she draws them in. Funny looking!

Kristie was just as unique with moons of blue colored on her eyes. On the way home we laughed the whole way at how ridiculus we looked and the worst part was to get up to our place we had to walk through the wedding. We definatly ran past our students and pretended not to see them. Once we got home, we toned down the hair and makeup and went to the wedding. We made it for the last part of the Western part. The bride never smiled. We think it cause they are not allowed to eat till all guests are gone and it was a hot day in a heavy dress.

Since loud music was playing at the end of the wedding we decided we would be more productive at school. Yeah right. I love the kids too much and they distract me. I got nothing done except got some pictures of them. I had some good coversations with students I have never talked to before cause I do not have them in class. A lot of times it is hard for students to accept Christ cause no one in their family believes. It is a reality that is hard to remember. I am very fortunate to have a family who believes as I do.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

samaira is the best

I'm sick and my stomach hurts and a hotpack would be really nice, but the closest thing I have is my very warm computer. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and have my computer on my stomach and update my blog.

Life is crazy right now. Since I can play the piano I am the one playing for the christmas program and I have to practice with all the classes. All my planning periods were taken away for practice time. It's only the first week and I am already a little stressed out cause I do not have time to do everything. oh well... it will soon be over.

I have been having a lot of good discussions with my students. I love how open they are with me and how they are willing to ask me questions. I had the "sex talk" with my 10th graders about how waiting for marriage is the best way to go, it was amazing how they listened, didn't laugh it off and they asked questions. My 10th grade class is my hardest class cause they are all talkers but I love them cause we always have the discussion, communisim vs. democracy, pro-life vs. pro choice, relationships. These are just a few of the topics we have talked about.

samaira is the best because she made me lunch. well, i'm not thinking logically right now so I am going to stop.

Here is a text from a student of mine today.

"I got a pray request. I pray for my math teacher, c (she) sick today. Math class without a good teacher like her is meaningless. So Lord i pray that c (she) will be fine well from sick and healthy. Give more strength to her coz c need to correct many student homework. Amen from sear to teacher Amy."

Isn't he the sweetest!

enjoy your day!

some more photos

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sous Dei Hello!

Coming back from camping was crazy. Grades were due that first day back at school, and that definitely did not happen. I finished the grades for the homeroom teachers that I knew would be asking for them from me and then I talk to teacher Moses and told him I would be late. I knew he would understand, cause he is one of the people always trying to get me to put doing grades aside to go out and have fun. lol partner in crime. The grades were done a day late but all worked out well. It just stressed me out some. This week was a little on the crazy side too. Two weeks ago we had three days of school because of Water festival and that is when I went camping. Water festival is a big holiday here where around 2-3 million people from the country side to watch the boat races on the Tole Sap River. I believe it is to celebrate the changing of directions of the river. I did go and watch on the last day cause it was raining and I had grades to work on and I don’t miss it. It is so crowded that it is nearly impossible to move, so I think I would have been so irritated at those around me I wouldn’t have even paid attention to the boats racing. After that holiday we came back for two days and then had Friday off for Parent teacher conference and this Monday we had off for Independence Day. So needless to say, going back to work was strange feeling. It was nice having all those days off. On Monday we spent it with Hannah and Grace the two Korean girls across the street and made Kim Chi. It tastes yummy. I tried it last night. I have to say that we are good kim chi makers. It is so easy and did you know that there are asian pears in it? I definitely did not. This week we had some students over for pancakes. There are a group of boys that hang outside the mission everyday so we have gotten to know them well. We promised them cookies one day and then cookies grew into a pancake dinner. We had fun. It’s funny what boys talk about. We got a group picture which I will try to put up soon.

It is the 11th grade class fundraiser tomorrow. For some reason students and staff think that since I did it once for the 12th grade (since they are my class) I am the one to go to for help for this one. It’s funny. I just need to learn to say no. I ended up shopping yesterday with some students from the class so they could make cinnamon rolls and banana bread to sell tomorrow while watching Finding Nemo. We went all over the place and made it back after one of the student’s curfew. I’m not a good responsible adult. I need to learn to be strict teacher Amy. It’s so easy to forget that I am suppose to be the responsible adult to the students. It’s a hard balance. I want to have friend here and the students become friends, but I have to remember that I am their teacher first. That is why I am so thankful that there are so many new teacher’s this year, so it has been easy to make friends with the Khmer teachers cause there are so many in their 20s.

Today was a first for me at vespers. I gave my first “realish” sermon for vespers. I did it on thankfulness and gratitude. I will paste my main outline for my sermon below. I’m very happy at how it turned out. I had many people come up to me and say they were inspired or blessed. I have never had anyone say that to me and it was such a awesome feeling to know that God spoke through me. I felt very used by God. I want to do it again. I was so nervous before I went up but then when I went up, the words just came. It surprised me. I didn’t look down at my notes, but once.

Funny stories for the week… Everyday I have prayer with my class and I ask for prayer requests. At the end Rattanack always says, “Any other prayer requests, please send them to” So I thought that I would surprise him and so I made a gmail account with the address since teacheramy was already taken. Haha he laughed so hard. I’m praying for that class. I know that God is trying to reach so many of them, and there are few that I feel are searching. Please pray for my classes that I may be an example of Christ and that they will accept him as their savior. Anyways, I am excited to see if anyone will actually send prayer requests. I hope so.

I was told last Thursday I need to know the name of the skit drama is doing for Christmas by this Tuesday. So I searched online for all the free stuff and finally found one. Today I had Kristy show the 10th graders so that they could see what parts they want to try out for. As they began reading they surprisingly told Kristy, this was the drama that was done last year. Isn't that crazy. The one skit I choose out of the many I read, I choose the one from last year. The irony...

Here’s my sermon. It is a monologue of the 10 lepers.

Luke 16:13

While He was on the way to Jerusalem, He was passing between Samaria and Galilee. As He entered a village, ten leprous men who stood at a distance met Him; and they raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” When He saw them, He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they were going they were cleansed. Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are they? Was no one found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has made you well.

Hey, did you guys just hear! I was healed! Why do you look so confused? Don’t you remember me?! I guess not. You Israelites are not too fond of Samaritans. I know. I’m a Gentile and it does not help that I had leprosy. I was one of the 10 that sat outside the city gates every day because I had leprosy. Maybe be your not familiar with leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that is affects the skin and causes it to turn white. I was honestly repulsive to look at so it is understandable that you do not remember me. But, let me tell of how I became healed.
I was sitting around the fire this morning as normal talking to the rest of the leper’s in our colony outside the city gates. Normally there’s nothing else really to do except try to think about things to talk about and throw stones, but this day was different. One of my friends overheard someone say that Jesus was going to soon be passing by. WOW did my spirits lift. See I had heard about this Jesus. Some said that he was a King going to save the Jews, he claimed to be the son of God, but that is not what I was thinking about. Jesus was also known to cure people from their illnesses.
Our group then made a game plan. We decided to wait near the road to see if we could catch a glimpse of him, any maybe if we yelled enough to get his attention, he would heal us. So we did just that. We waited some time and then waited more, and then waited. It honestly felt like forever because I was so excited to see him. Have you ever been like that. You are looking forward to something sooooo much, that it never seems to come. Well that is what it was like. Finally, after what seemed to take forever, we heard a murmur of noise from a far away crowd. It grew closer and closer, until we saw that it was Jesus walking amongst a crowd. We started yelling, “Jesus, Master have mercy on us!” At first it seemed hopeless that he would ever pay attention to us. We are lepers, outcasts. No one is suppose to come in contact with us. Why would a man who claims to be the Son of God care about such a low life as me. But then when I began to give up hope, he turned towards us. I have never seen such love in anyone’s eyes than like when he looked at me. It shocked me then when he spoke and he told us to go to the temple to show the priests.

I wanted to respond, “what do you mean, so myself to the priest ? I am not healed, only healed people go to the priest” Even that was crazy to think, because leprosy is incurable. But something about that love in His eyes, made me have faith that I should do what he asked. So I turned around and started walking towards the temple, still with my white skin, gross face, and missing fingers to show the priest how I was healed. But as I was walking closer, I started to feel better, I looked at my hands and all my fingers were there, my skin began to glow a healthy color and when I felt my face there were no sores! I was so happy I jumped up and ran back to my Lord. See only the Son of God could cure me like that. I ran back rejoicing and when I saw Jesus I fell at his feet in thanks, praising God. I was so excited about being cured that I didn’t even realize that my friends did not come back with me. Originally I thought, maybe I was the only one healed, but no Jesus looked at me with the kind face once more and asked “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are the? Was not anyone found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?”
I was the only one to come back to thank Jesus! I don’t understand how that could have happened. Jesus is so good, I cannot do anything but give thanks and praise God. Don’t you agree? Not only did God heal me of my leprosy, but he accepted who I was. He was not repulsed by my looks, he did not say I will heal only the Israelites. No he loved me! And what is even greater then that he loves you to.

This is a true story that can be found in Luke 17. Does it not amaze you the faith of the leper who was willing to go to the temple as if he was healed when he was not healed and When hearing this story it is easy to think. Oiy I definitely would have gone back to say thank you if Jesus had healed me. But when you woke up this morning, did you say thank you? Did you praise God for what he has done for you? Everyday God pours so many blessings on each one of us, we have friends, family, food, education, a home, a God who listens a heavenly friend who paid the price on the cross for us. Why do we so easily forget to say thank you.
In psychology I learned about research done on positive thinking and we read a book called the Thank you Power by Deborah Melville. In that book she present research on the power of saying thank you. Research has proven that those who take the time to say consciously say thank you are seem to be more helpful to those around them. There are also many characteristics that were common among those who were thankful such as They felt better about their lives as a whole. * They were more optimistic. * They were more energetic. * They were more enthusiastic. * They were more determined. * They were more interested. * They were more joyful. * They felt stronger about handling challenges. * They exercised more (nearly an hour and a half more per week!). * They had fewer illnesses. * They got more sleep. * They made progress toward important personal goals. * They were more likely to have helped someone else. * They were perceived by others as more generous and helpful. * They were less envious of those with more possessions. * They were less cluttered
Imagine if we were like that. Wouldn’t we be a better representative of Christ if we had those characteristics which he also had. How much more Christ like would we be if our personality exude happiness. Do you say thank you to those around you, even for the small things? I have a friend that challenged my bible study group to find something to say thank you for the things that we had complaints about. An easy example is when one is given food that one does not like. Ahh I do not want to eat it! Instead of complaining I was challenged to say thank you for at least having a meal to eat. It was a difficult challenge, but I found that I felt better when I did so.
It is something that I even struggle with. It is easy to complain, and focus on how everything is going wrong, instead of focusing on much how God has blessed me. It is something that I am working on and I want to challenge you to find things you are thankful everyday and see how it changes your outlook on life. To conclude I would like you to pair up with someone and tell them three things that you are thankful for. It may be difficult at first to think of something, but once you get started it is easier to find many things that you are grateful for. In a few minutes I will close with prayer.

Monday, November 2, 2009

it's as easy as peeling bananas

So I was planning on going camping the last time I wrote, but then on Wednesday I paniced and decided not to go because of everything that I needed to get done for school. So thursday morning I walked down to tell pastor that Kristy and I were not going and instead I got talked inot going... lol I ran upstairs through some stuff in a bag and left. Kristy and BJ still did not go.

I'm glad I went. I took the stuff I needed to get graded and did most of it on the bus. I prayed the whole weekend that it would not rain and get my papers wet, cause I forgot to take that into consideration when packing.

I'm glad I went and do not have any regrets. I had a blast hanging out with the students and became closer to a lot of them. It surprises me how comfortable students become to a teacher when they trust that teacher. I never really had that kind of relationship with any of my teachers so it still catches me off guard when a student will come up to me and explain how the last time they were at this river they got baptized and he hung out with his dad and how much he misses him while walking away quickly(his dad pasted away from cancer). Or a student will just lean on me when sitting next to me, or explain the ups and downs of their dating relationships. I like it. It just saddens me how I am just temperary. I keep of thinking of things I wish I could change for next year, or do better for next year, and then I am reminded that there is no next year. It depresses me.

I have a family here now :D When we signed up to go on this trip the pastor told us we would be in charge of our own food cause we wouldn't like theirs (he kinda offended me assuming we were foreigners too different to eat the same food. He was trying to be nice I know and it is very kind of him to think of us) so I talked to David, a student of mine, who was going with a nother group with his dad and asked if we could eat with him. So we ate with the bicyling group. Their group rode their bikes to Ka Kong instead of taking a bus. It is over 200 km. But anyways, David's mom did a lot of the cooking and she is amazing cook and I knew so already cause I taste david and vireak's food during lunch time at school, so we ate well. anyways what I am trying to get at is david's mom calls me daughter now, and she told me to call her mai-dai which me mother and his dad is a sweet heart, who has worked as a pastor in Cambodia for ages. He can speak multiple languages. David is like a little brother to me and I got to know david's older brothers and so we hung out with them alot (we learned the coolest dance ever... think like the chicken dance) and the bicycle group consided of all of david's cousins and we ate everymeal with all of them. therefore i feel like i have a family here. :D

There were only squatty potties in the bathroom, no showers, so to take a bath we washed in the stream. :D FUN! It is the first time I have every gotten my picture taken while taking a bath. LOL Cambodians are really modest so we wore our cloths while bathing and swimming. The water was clear, so I actually felt clean after wards. It was truely camping. I enjoyed it tons.

I'm going to bed now, so I'll tell more tomorrow.

good night!